Quick bug-fix, new features and Github

Hi, sorry about the time since my last post, I’ve just been so damn busy.

After being notified about a serious bug (a missing function, thanks wilco) and a few new features (thanks Jimmy), I’ve decided to add the project to github.

All source code is now located on https://github.com/JohnDoe3000/NMultiSelect, except for pre-1.5.3-releases. The code for those is to be found on this website. You are welcome to contribute, comment and so on, both here, and at github.

NMultiSelect 1.5.3

The new features in this release is (thanks Jimmy, http://jimblanchard.net/) are:

The ability to remove the add/remove-all buttons, remove the filter-box and remove the ability to chose multiple items to transfer at once.

The new options looks like this:

var settings = {
Name: "NMultiSelect_" + $.NMultiSelect.Instances,
Move: true,
FilterText: "filter", // Set to null to disable filters
AvailableText: "Available items:",
SelectedText: "Selected items:",
EnableAddAll: true, // If false, the add-all-button is removed.
EnableRemoveAll: true, // If false, the remove-all-button is removed.
EnableMultiSelect: true, // If false, the ability to select multiple items at once, is removed.
Height: 150,
Width: 150,
FadeSpeed: "fast", // How fast would we wan't the fading to go?
TitleTag: "h2", // What tag should be surrounding our box title?
Title: null, // Our box title, if null, the box title is not shown.
SelectionLimit: -1 // -1 unlimited selections.


To download the latest release, click here.