Future of NMultiSelect

Now that I have made a few releases of my jQuery plug-in, NMultiSelect, I have begun work on a future version of the plug-in, version 2.0.

At the moment that version has the following features, that the current (1.5.4) doesn’t:

The new features (at the moment) are:

  • Full jQuery 1.6+ compatibility (I like to move forward so this version will not be backward compatible with jQuery!)
  • NMultiSelect from <select>-tags (this is actually a quite cool solution, and doesn’t alter postbacks what so ever, so you can use it without altering your code-behind!).
  • Drag-n-Drop. (Who needs buttons anyway?).
  • Drop down. (Hide the big and ugly box away and minimize your layout.)
  • All NMultiSelect-boxes is found in their own <div>-tag now. (Prettier HTML).
  • Functions to remove all or single item from the lists. (Easier maintenance with AJAX).
  • Easier access to lost NMultiSelect-box reference using default jQuery selectors.
  • More methods to alter NMultiSelect-behavior.
  • Possibility to bind multiple event-handlers.
  • A lot of core updates and changes.
  • Auto loading of dependencies. All you need to get NMultiSelect is just the jQuery-file and NMultiSelect-file. The plug-in takes care of the rest.
  • A small graphical update. Just a little eye-candy.

If you have anything to add to this list, don’t be shy, just give ’em to me!


I have made a few screen dumps of some of the new features, for you to see:

[nggallery id=1]


I have published an early preview of the v2 of NMultiSelect.

Please note, this is not final, nor stable but I will try to fix as many bugs as possible within the next 1 or 2 weeks.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything for a long time, but I’m actually drowning in work so I’ve just been to damn busy. But I will make it up for you guys. I Promis!

You can see the preview here:

<a href="http://nmultiselect.ndesoft.dk/v2/nms buy cialis overnight delivery.html” target=”_blank”>http://nmultiselect.ndesoft.dk/v2/nms.html

NMultiSelect 1.5.4

Just a service update.

I think I was way to fast in releasing the 1.5.3-version. It was extremely buggy, had a few bugs and didn’t live up to the standards I think a release from me should meet. So therefore, forget the 1.5.3 (throw it away and never look back!) and get the latest NMultiSelect 1.5.4 instead. It is much more stable and nice than previous versions.

You can download NMultiSelect 1.5.4 here.

Or see it live here.

As always, comments are welcome!

NFader – Javascript Menu

Så har jeg siddet og leget lidt med javascript igen, og denne gang er jeg kommet frem til en, vil jeg selv sige, sej menu.

Menuen virker kun i FireFox pt. men arbejder løbende på den.

Dens generering er næsten 100% automatiseret. Med blot een linie kode kan man lave en dropdown menu og med ganske få linier kan man lave en avanceret menu med en masse punkter og undermenuer.

Den er let at sætte op og nem at bruge. Se den her.

Download kildekode.

NLog – Log-system.


Jeg er i gang med et eksamens projekt, og har i den anledning haft brug for at lave et logning system til at styre ændringer i system og evt. fejl. Til det system vi arbejder med er log-systemet lavet som en integreret del af systemet, men jeg tænkte om ikke kunne laves som en enkelt dll der blot skulle implementeres. Jeg er derfor kommet frem til det vedhæftede resultat: NLog. NLog består af en dll-fil og et css-dokument.

Disse to filer skal ligge i samme mappe som projektet bliver kørt fra. DLL’en er lavet i .NET 3.5 frameworket og kan implementeres i alle sprog der kører i dette framework. DLL’ens namespace er NLogClasses.

DLL-en og css-filen kan distribures frit. Dog må dll-en eller css-filen skifte navn og indholdet af dll-en må ikke ændres!

Eksempler (C#):

// Indlæs alle logs:
NLog.LoadAllLogs(); // Skal køres for der oprettes logge eller poster!
// Opret Log:
// CreateLog(string logName); logName angiver loggens navn!
Log minLog = NLog.CreateLog("LogNavn");
// Opret log-indlæg:
// CreateEntry(string description, bool error); description er en beskrivelse af hændelsen.
// error er true hvis der er tale om en fejl og false hvis ikke.
// Find Log:
// FindLog(string logName); logName er navnet på den log du vil finde.
Log fundetLog = NLog.FindLog("LogNavn");
// Find indlæg:
// FindEntry(DateTime time); time er tidspunktet hvor hændelsen finder sted.
Entry minEntry = fundetLog.FindEntry(DateTime.Parse("01-01-01"));
// Gem alle logs:
NLog.SaveAllLogs(); // Denne opretter en xml-fil hvis ikke denne allerede eksistere.
// Følgende er en beskrivelse af properties:
NLog.Logs; // Returnerer alle logge.
minLog.Name // Returnerer navnet på loggen.
minLog.Entries // Returnerer alle entries i den aktuelle log.
minEntry.Descr; // Returnerer beskrivelsen af hændelsen.
minEntry.Time; // Returnerer tidspunktet for hændelsen.
minEntry.Error; // Returnerer om hændelsen var en fejl eller ej.

Download NLog 0.1.


I am in the middle af an exam project, in which we had to built a log-system to manage alle events to go back and se what happened when. Our log-system is embedded within our entire system so it can only run in our system. I then began to develop this little log-system which is not embedded in any way and can be used when and where it should be. It is made on the .NET 3.5 framework and is a dll-file and it can be implementet in all systems using that framework. The appended file contains the dll and a css-file. These two files has to be stored in the same directory as the rest of the executables is.

The namespace of the DLL is: NLogClasses.

The dll-file and the css-file is free to distribute but you may not change the name of the dll or the css-file. The content of the dll must stay as is!

Examples (C#):

// Load all logs:
NLog.LoadAllLogs(); // Has to be run before creating any logs or entries!
// Create Log:
// CreateLog(string logName); logName is the name of the log!
Log myLog = NLog.CreateLog("LogName");
// Create Log-entry:
// CreateEntry(string description, bool error); description is a descripten of the event.
// If the event is an error the error parameter is true.
// Find Log:
// FindLog(string logName); logName is the name of the log you want to find.
Log foundLog = NLog.FindLog("LogName");
// Find entry:
// FindEntry(DateTime time); time is the time where the event took place.
Entry MyEntry = fundetLog.FindEntry(DateTime.Parse("01-01-01"));
// Save all logs:
NLog.SaveAllLogs(); // This creates an xml-file if it does not already exist.
// Th folowing is a description of alle the properties:
NLog.Logs; // Returns all logs.
myLog.Name // Returns the name of the log.
myLog.Entries // Returns all entries in the active log.
MyEntry.Descr; // Returns the discription of the event.
MyEntry.Time; // Returns the time of the event.
MyEntry.Error; // Returns wether the event is an error or not.

Download NLog 0.1.